Psychedelic Porn Funk Experience – The Magical Mystery Show

Fr. 17.12.21

Konzert + Film

Einlass: 19:00

Beginn: 20:00

Psychedelic Porn Funk Experience – The Magical Mystery Show

Presented by Behind the Green Door x Import Export
Permakultur Schallplatten.

Magical live performance
Mystery live band
Kreuzer Lichtmaschine

The Porn Funk is dying under the restrictions, but it will not just vanish in defeat. Instead we nourish the flame that brought us through these dark times with a mystical rite.
This ceremony must be held in secret.
It is not for the faint hearted as reality will obey bizarre and even celestial laws during the time of your stay.
Come by and be part of 50 chosen ones for the ceremony, in a mass, in a circle, in a ritual we create together in the last days of this year.
But! …
If you believe in the foundations of reality, better stay home.

Es gilt die 2G+. Limitiert auf 50 Gäste
Die Gastronomie hat derzeit eine Sperrstunde um 22.00: letzte Runde um 21.45. Weitere Infos zu den Einlassbedingungen  bezüglich Corona findet ihr in unseren FAQs.



7 €

7 - 15 €