STP FWD with Radikal Guru & Zubzonikz

Sa. 19.10.24

Konzert, Club

Einlass: 22:00

Beginn: 22:00

It’s been more than ten years since radikal guru was in Munich. We are proud to finally be able to present him to you on our free mind soundsystem.

Radical guru has not only had a lasting impact on our taste in music. He also contributed to the fact that the free mind sound system exists today. And we weren’t the only ones who were immersed in the dub and sound system genre through his music.

The Zubzonikz were and have also been sustainably influenced by his music. With their event series < 90 and SKENG!. They were the pioneers of a young, upcoming genre and helped shape the nightlife in Munich. It is a great pleasure for us to have them with us in full effect.

Radikal Guru is a notable figure in the world of dub and bass music. He is a Polish dub and electronic music producer, DJ, and musician who has gained recognition for his unique blend of dub, reggae, and bass-heavy electronic sounds. Radikal Guru´s contributions to the global dub and bass music communities have earned him recognition as an influential artist. His music has not only captured the attention of listeners but has also become a staple in the sets of DJs and performers around the world. His commitment to crafting authentic and compelling dub music has solidified his position as a respected figure in the genre, and he continues to shape and evolve the dub sound with his innovative creations.

