Taxi Salon @ rodeo: Mariana Carvalho + Carina Khorkhordina / Eric Bauer + Zoro Babel + Pico Be

Sa. 12.10.24

Konzert, Performance

Einlass: 21:00

Beginn: 21:00

The focus is on vibrations in various mediums. Bodies and objects resound in site specific performances. This Taxi Salon edition was created in cooperation with rodeo.

Mariana Carvalho (São Paulo/Berlin)

Mariana Carvalho is a performer, musician and sound artist working with voices, interactions between bodies, (internal) listening, relation, transduction, materials, mail art and prepared piano. Collaboration is a big part of her work, most lately happening in the fields of performative arts and dance.

Carina Khorkhordina / Eric Bauer (Berlin)

Carina Khorkhordina on trumpet and Eric Bauer on extended electronics are both autodidact musicians active in the field of improvised music. The duo started in early 2018 in Berlin and is exploring an extensive variety of possibilities, from transparency of small sounds and microscopic changes/disturbing silences to loudness and density. The duo has a complementing/oppositional setup of Eric’s wide range of instruments – analog modular synthesizer, sampler, objects, elements of percussion and strings and Carina’s trumpet on the other side. Their live performances are often characterized by an extensive use of space and movement.

Zoro Babel (Munich)

Between 1975 and 1983 he performed with the group Anima Musica. He attended the summer sessions of the Creative Music Studio in Woodstock, NY from 1983 to 1984. This was followed by concert tours with Markus and Simon Stockhausen and first work for the theater. In 1988, Babel together with the other group Kairos, 1990 he co-founded the band Focus Pocus. Since 1988, he produced film scores, notably in cooperation with the Austrian filmmaker Lisi Frischengruber; Babel works since 1991 in numerous projects with Alexei Sagerer for Josef Anton Riedl. In collaboration with Michael Lentz created compositions of music and language. Babel appeared at various festivals for new music and sound art festivals since 1996, metal lockers, which he transformed into musical instruments.

Pico Be (Munich)

DJ Pico Be aka Federico Sánchez is a bricolageur, poet and sound researcher. He is a member of the groups Kamerakino and Das Weiße Pferd. He also performs under the name Pacífico Boy. As DJ Pico Be, he has been spinning records since 1997 and works on a continuous expansion of the context.

⚠️ Ute Wassermann (Berlin)

Ute Wassermann’s performance has been canceled due to illness. Instead, the musician Zoro Babel will expand the program.


Als besonderes Festivalherbst-Special haben wir im Spiegelhof des Import Export eine Outdoor-Sauna für euch aufgebaut. Hier könnt ihr nicht nur den Alltag hinter euch lassen, sondern auch die Eindrücke der Shows in einer entspannten Schwitzrunde verarbeiten. Perfekt zum Runterkommen und Auftanken zwischen den Festival-Highlights.
Also, packt euer Handtuch ein und gönnt euch eine Auszeit – Festivalfeeling inklusive!
Bademäntel gibt es für eine Leihgebühr von 3 €. (Riesen Dank an das Theater Rampe und 10 Tage Freischwimmen dafür!) Klamotten könnt ihr ohne Gewähr am Info-Point abgeben.

Fr, 11.10. 21:00–23:00
Sa, 12.10. 17:00–19:00 + 21:00–23:00
So, 13.10. 13:30–16:30
Mo, 14.10. 13:30–16:30
Di, 15.10. 21:00–23:00

This Taxi Salon edition was created in cooperation with rodeo. Besucher*innen, die sich an diesem Tag eine Show des rodeo-Festivals angeschaut haben, haben freien Eintritt. Bitte Ticket an der Abendkasse vorzeigen.

Taxi Salon is a series of events organized by Import Export.
Booking/Programm: Johannes Kuhn



6 - 20€
