Taxi Salon: Tot Onyx + Container + bela + Julien Desprez + rosi96
Sa. 09.11.24
Einlass: 21:00
Beginn: 21:00

Taxi Salon returns with harsh noise of distorted rhythms and overdriven voices that shatter bodies and buildings.
21:00 rosi96 (DJ)
21:45 Julien Desprez
22:30 bela
23:15 Tot Onyx
00:00 Container
01:00 rosi96 (DJ)
Tot Onyx (Berlin / Tokyo)
Tot Onyx is the solo alias of Tommi Tokyo, a sound artist and performer who loves to work with metal objects and her body. She is one half of Japanese experimental performance duo, group A. Her practice is in the rejection of tradition and cliché, which in Greil Marcus’s words, “share the principles of negation, rebellion, destruction and détournement”.
Container (London)
Container is the solo project of American-born, London-based musician Ren Schofield, who since 2009 has been honing a signature sound combining his background in noise-rock and tape music with techno and rhythmic electronics. Characterized by propulsive beats and liberal doses of distortion, Container’s deranged sonic meld has been welcomed at club nights, noise basements, electronic festivals, and punk shows alike.
Julien Desprez (Paris)
Performing solo with only his guitar and affects pedals as instruments themselves, his performance is a true performance that engages all the senses. The body is at the heart of his practice, and one theme still fuels his work today: what to do with bodies and their generated movements through music?
bela (Berlin / Seoul)
Originally from Paju South Korea, bela is a musician and a performance artist based in Berlin. They are known for electronic music performance merging pungmul – a Korean folk act rooted in agricultural traditions and linked to past social movements – and vocals inspired by extreme metal. bela shapes pungmul into the ritual for queer rage and grief with sub-heavy distortions and cries.
rosi96 (Munich)
Rosa Luckow is a visual and sound artist with a background in medicine. She co-runs the student lecture and workshop series Jour Fixe at AdbK Munich and and is part of the non-profit multipurpose and publication project space Neu Workshop/Jetzt, where she oversees the residency program. As co-organizer of the Munich community radio station Radio 80000 she implemented listening environments for experimental sound with larger art institutions such as the HDK, the Lothringer Halle 13 in Munich or the documenta fifteen in Kassel. The same goes for her events at Unterdeck or other places, always alternating between experimental DJ bookings and live noise concerts. As rosi96 she runs the radio show on Radio 80000 and puts on DJ sets that focus on diverse, dub-oriented, often sharp and shifted rhythms. She combines these with experimental rock, trance or anything else she comes across during her research.
Taxi Salon is a series of events organized by Import Export.
Booking/Programm: Johannes Kuhn
7 €
10 €